First Name
Last Name
What city and state are you located in?
What school do you currently attend?
Why did you decide to pursue a career in counseling?
What degree/program are you completing?
What is the starting date for your practicum or internship?
Which population are you most interested in working with?
Select all that apply.
I'm not sure yet
Do you have any specific goals for your career? If so, what are they?
What is an area in which you are particularly interested in growing and becoming more educated?
How do you feel about leading groups?
Select one.
I would love to lead a group!
I'm nervous, but I'm willing to try
I'm not interested in leading groups
What is your biggest weakness as a professional?
What is your biggest strength as a professional?
What motivates you professionally?
What motivates you personally?
Which adjectives best describe you as a professional?
Creative, Curious, Innovative
Easygoing, Fun, Humorous
Determined, Motivated, Inspired
Stable, Reliable, Consistent
What is your Enneagram number?
What is your Myers-Briggs?
How many hours does your program require for Practicum/Internship?
How many weeks long is your semester?
Is there anything else you'd like us to know about you?