Pregnancy Counseling
Okay, you’re pregnant. Now what?? Many parents experience stress and anxiety around being pregnant for a variety of reasons. You may be fearful of something being wrong with the baby. Maybe you’re afraid of losing the baby because of a past loss or just because your mind tends to go to worst case scenarios. You may have had a pervious child and your birth was traumatic. Perhaps it hasn’t even hit you yet that you’re actually pregnant and are going to have to parent a tiny human!
Plus there are all the questions about birthing your baby. Naturally, with an epideral, c-section, and more – everyone has an opinion about what you should do. Birthing a child is a completely natural thing to do, yet people love to tell the worst horror stories about their experiences. Hearing horror stories is the last thing you want, especially when you already feel nervous!
Then there are the questions about feeding your baby – bottle or breast. More questions about how to get sleep after your new baby is born.
All these questions can leave you feeling overwhelmed, perplexed, and torn in different directions.
Like all else at Safe Haven TS, we take an attachment-informed approach to pregnancy and bonding with the baby inside you. Yes, your baby already has feelings and you can bond with your baby while they’re in you’re belly. It’s incredible!
Common Issues During Pregnancy:
fear and anxiety
managing stress
questions about what’s best for the baby
questions about parenting
questions about early bonding and attachment
processing past birth trauma
processing past loss or losses
inability to connect to baby inside
At Safe Haven TS, we can help you work through the above issues to allow healthy bonding and attachment to occur prior to your baby’s birth. We can also connect you with holistic resources if you’re interested in those: chiropractic care, acupuncture, doulas, midwives, etc. If you have questions about these services and how they can support your pregnancy, please feel free to contact us.
Birth is a natural process and being supported through that process is incredibly helpful. Sometimes other’s horror stories or fear tactics get in the way of us experiencing peace and calm during pregnancy and birth.