Sensorimotor Psychotherapy


Although talk therapy has many benefits, for some clients in therapy, words fail to heal deeply traumatic wounds or relational injury. Our bodies have inherent wisdom that we can learn from. Many clients have talked and talked about their trauma experiences, but have failed to experience true healing and relief from their symptoms of trauma. 

Our bodies hold a “somatic narrative,” which includes things such as gesture, facial expressions, movement, etc., which in many cases shares more than words alone.

Our bodies reveal the “legacy of trauma” or early relational wounding with caregivers. Leaving the body out of therapy may prevent true healing from occurring. Integrating the body and following the body’s intelligence can create lasting changes within our nervous system.  

Pat Ogden created Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, which curiously explores the wisdom of the body. It is a body-based approach that helps us to find somatic resources and processes trauma experiences and attachment wounding through the body.