How Pregnancy Dialogues™ Can Support You and Your Baby
Pregnancy Dialogues™ is a group discussion for pregnant people and partners to explore topics around family, partner, and infant relationships before, during, and after a new baby enters the family.
Pregnancy Dialogues is not therapy and you don’t need to have anything wrong to attend these groups.
You might think about Pregnancy Dialogues™ as more of a preventative service to help support you and your baby as you get ready for your birth and parenting this little one.
Having a baby can be a really joyful experience, but it can also be fraught with nervousness and fear about pregnancy, birth, and parenting. All of that is really normal! Our culture doesn’t necessarily talk about birth in a positive way. As someone who has gone through pregnancy, and birth myself, I didn’t know a whole lot about my body, how birth happens, and that my body knows exactly what it needs to know to birth a baby.
A large focus of Pregnancy Dialogues™ is to facilitate safety, trust, and support among you and the other pregnant parents. Discussion topics explore family, partner, and infant attachment. This occurs in a small group setting with 4-8 group members. This group also provides tools and guidance to improve the bond between parent and child during and between each group.
About 300 mothers have completed the Pregnancy Dialogues program in Europe, which resulted in improved maternal and infant outcomes. Informal follow-up on Pregnancy Dialogues has shown to have positive impacts, including:
· Resolving past trauma
· Decreased anxiety around pregnancy and birth
· Mutual connection with your unborn baby
· Low rates of premature births
· More confidence in knowing your baby (before and after birth)
· More optimal experience postpartum
· Strong and supportive relationships with other parents in group
The above information comes from the Birth Psychology website on Pregnancy Dialogues™ Facilitator Training page: